Dear Colleagues,
Happy, as I hope you all are, I want to thank you for an incredible year we are about to bid farewell.
The year 2022 has been very kind to us.
We have simply broken our records achieving another milestone in the company history. This is not due to just operating a mega incentive group but by also handling an unprecedented number of overlapped files at a time during the last quarter of the year. This could only be achieved by your dedication, loyalty to the company but most importantly an extraordinary planning.
My appreciation is not only limited to the Leisure & the Incentive divisions but truly extended to all the support services departments of the company. Without them, the planning and the execution wouldn’t have been as flawless. You have simply all been stars. And this is not a compliment.
Our airline & Corporate side, as usual, hasn’t stop exceling despite the many challenges that this part of the industry is facing. We did acquire an amazing new GSA while increasing our Corporate portfolio slowly but very surely. We have never looked for the mass but for the quality. And, this is what keep making us special.
As for the Emirates side of the business, they truly managed to get out of the pandemic even more healthy than where they were before. Considering the size and the collective age & experience of the team, they went far beyond our commercial expectation. I also know that their pipeline is full of good news.
Should the trade circumstances remain the same, I can only see our curve going up. But in order to ensure that it remains ascending, our role should also be to secure that a next generation is there to keep the helm. This should be every single senior target. In this respect, please keep tuned for some new appointments and restructures to be implemented very shortly and that would help securing same.
On behalf our Chairman, and while we wish you a delightful finale of the year, a healthy and most rewarding take off & continuation for 2023, I salute every one of you for the loyalty, dedication & professionalism that you keep exhibiting.
Happy New Year and as usual….. Keep Sharing